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This theme extends the VitePress Default Theme but sets slightly different defaults. Theoretically all the options supported in the default theme should also be available in this one.

Before you get started its HEAVILY RECOMMENDED that you use our parent config wrapper.

Once you have you should be able to use all the things below.


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Example:

    alert: {
      content: 'Are you looking for the 3.x docs? You can go to them <a href="/3.x">here</a>.',
      type: 'tip',
      closeable: true,
  • Details:

    This will print an alert at the top of the page. You can pass in <HTML> content but dangerous things will be stripped.

    Setting closeable to false will persist the alert and not let the user dismiss it.

    You can set a type for the alert which will append the alert-TYPE class to the alert container eg alert-success. We have provided the following types by default: brand|danger|tip|info|success|warning.

    If you specify a different type you will want to make sure to provide the alert-TYPE class.

    You can also configure the alert height with the --vpl-alert-height css variable.

    You can also configure this on a page to page basis with frontmatter.


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Example:

    autometa: {
      canonicalUrl: '',
      image: '',
      twitter: '@devwithlando',
      x: '@devwithlando',
  • Details:

    Set this if you care about the theme automatically generating common metatags.

    You can use twitter instead of x if you prefer although x will be preferred if you set both.`

    image will set a global image for all meta and you can set frontmatter.image to customize on a per page basis.


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default:

    containers: {
      'brand': {defaultTitle: 'BRAND'},
      'box': {},
      'box-blue': {},
      'box-brand': {},
      'box-green': {},
      'box-red': {},
      'box-yellow': {},
      'caption': {},
      'card': {},
      'center': {},
      'half': {},
      'highlight': {},
      'left': {},
      'right': {},
      'success': {defaultTitle: 'SUCCESS'},
      'third': {},
      'thumbnail': {},
  • Example:

    containers: {
      brand: {defaultTitle: 'ACME BRAND'},
      special: {},
  • Details:

    If you want to override one of the default containers or add additional ones, you can.

    Note that it is up to you to define any relevant css needed for new containers but you should be able to use your new containers in markdown. Here is how you would use the special container added above:


    ::: special EVERYTHING MUST GO!
    99% OFF!



    99% OFF!


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default:

    collections: {
      post: {
        frontmatter: {
          collection: 'post',
          contributors: false,
          backLink: {
            text: '<- Back to blog',
            link: '/blog',
          aside: false,
          sidebar: false,
          prev: false,
          next: false,
          editLink: false,
        icon: '<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="w-6 h-6"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M7.5 8.25h9m-9 3H12m-9.75 1.51c0 1.6 1.123 2.994 2.707 3.227 1.129.166 2.27.293 3.423.379. 21l2.755-4.133a1.14 1.14 0 0 1 .865-.501 48.172 48.172 0 0 0 3.423-.379c1.584-.233 2.707-1.626 2.707-3.228V6.741c0-1.602-1.123-2.995-2.707-3.228A48.394 48.394 0 0 0 12 3c-2.392 0-4.744.175-7.043.513C3.373 3.746 2.25 5.14 2.25 6.741v6.018Z"/></svg>',
        iconLink: '/blog',
        patterns: ['blog/**/*.md'],
      guide: {
        frontmatter: {
          collection: 'guide',
        icon: '<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="w-6 h-6"><path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M4.26 10.147a60.438 60.438 0 0 0-.491 6.347A48.62 48.62 0 0 1 12 20.904a48.62 48.62 0 0 1 8.232-4.41 60.46 60.46 0 0 0-.491-6.347m-15.482 0a50.636 50.636 0 0 0-2.658-.813A59.906 59.906 0 0 1 12 3.493a59.903 59.903 0 0 1 10.399 5.84c-.896.248-1.783.52-2.658.814m-15.482 0A50.717 50.717 0 0 1 12 13.489a50.702 50.702 0 0 1 7.74-3.342M6.75 15a.75.75 0 1 0 0- 0 0 0 0 1.5Zm0 0v-3.675A55.378 55.378 0 0 1 12 8.443m-7.007 11.55A5.981 5.981 0 0 0 6.75 15.75v-1.5" /></svg>',
        iconLink: '/guides',
        patterns: ['guides/**/*.md'],
  • Details:

    Collections allow you to groups different docs together. The main piece of this is being able to set default frontmatter for all docs that fit the given patterns.

    You can optionally set an icon and its iconLink.


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default: true

  • Example:

    contributors: {
      merge: 'name',
      debotify: true,
      exclude: [
        'Mike Pirog <>',
          name: 'Mike Pirog',
          email: '',
      include: [
        // include alec with 1 commit
        'Alec Reynolds <>'
        // include alec with 17 commits
        '17 Alec Reynolds <>',
        // include alec with ALL AVAILABLE metadata
          avatar: '',
          name: 'Alec Reynolds',
          commits: 9999,
          email: '',
          title: 'Maintainer',
          mergeOnly: true,
          org: 'Lando',
          orgLink: '',
          desc: 'A chill dude',
          links: [
            {icon: 'github', link: ''},
            {icon: 'twitter', link: ''},
          sponsor: '',
  • Details:

    This will add git log author information to each page and will also serve as the default members property in <VPLTeamMembers>.

    You can set to false to disable or true to use the defaults. You can expand into an object to customize the behavior as in example above.

    You can attempt to dedupe/merge/combine with either merge: name or merge: email or disable with merge: false.

    If you debotify it will remove any author that contains [bot] in their name or email.

    You can exclude with contributors by matching both their name and email using either a string or object.

    You can use include to either add new contributors or augment existing ones. If you want to add additional data to a contributor pulled from the git log you will need to specify an email for it to match against.

    Finally, mergeOnly can be set if you only want to provide augmented data for a contributor that already exists in the git log.

    You can also configure this on a page to page basis with frontmatter.


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Example:

    feed: {
      patterns: '*/**/*.md',
  • Full Example:

    feeds: {
      feed: {
        patterns: ['/docs/*.md'],
      blog: {
        baseUrl: '',
        copyright: '© 2024 Lando'
        description: 'Do you have a need to feed?',
        file: 'bloggy.rss',
        image: '',
        language: 'en',
        favicon: '',
        patterns: ['/blog/**/*.md', '/posts/**/*.md'],
        title: 'FEED ME BLOG!',
  • Details:

    You can specify a single feed or many feeds and their patterns or pattern. If you use both the plural will be used over the singular.

    If you do not specify a file then the key of the feed will be used eg feed.rss in the Full Example above.

    We will attempt to compute the baseUrl using other configuration but it's probably best if you just explicitly set it for each feed.

Internal Domains

  • Type: String || Array[String]

  • Default: []

  • Example:

      - ''
      - ''
  • Details:

    This allows external links starting with the specified internalDomains to be experentially treated like internal links.

    This is useful if you have multiple VitePress sites that are all tied together into a single domain experience a la Netlify's rewrite functionality.

    If you don't understand what that is or you only have a single docs site then its best to just ignore this one.


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default:

    jobs: false
  • Example:

    jobs: [
        title: 'Lando Developer',
        logo: '',
        link: '',
        company: 'Lando System Inc',
        aux: 'DC, Remote',
  • Details:

    • You can also configure this on a page to page basis with frontmatter.
  • Type: Array[Object]

  • Example:

    navbar: [
        text: 'Recipes',
        items: [
            text: 'Hosting Integrations',
            columns: 2,
            items: [
                text: 'Acquia',
                link: '',
                text: 'Lagoon (beta)',
                link: '',
                alert: 'UPDATED!'
                text: 'Pantheon',
                link: '',
                text: ' (beta)',
                link: '',
                alert: {
                  text: 'DEPRECATED!',
                  type: 'danger',
                  expires: 4125485593000,
            text: 'PHP Frameworks',
            items: [
                text: 'Backdrop',
                link: '',
  • Details:

    Note that columns currently only works with "items" eg children that are expressed in "sections" as in the example above.

    You can add the optional alert to any child item. This will add a stylized and expiring badge before the link with text of your choosing. If you make alert a string it will use that as the badge text. If you make alert an object you can also customize the style and the expiration date of the alert.

    alert can be styled with setting alert.type to new, updated, deprecated or eol. You can also use any of the admonition or box stylings

    You can automatically remove the alert at given time by setting alert.expires which must be expressed as a timestamp in milliseconds.

    If a top level menu item contains any children with alerts of type new then an alert circle will appear in front of that menu item as a circle colored with the theme's primary color.


  • Type: Object

  • Default:

    layouts: {}
  • Example:

    layouts: {
      cats: './components/VPLCats.vue',
  • Details:

    layouts allows you to easily add additional Custom Layouts. You can then use those layouts in frontmatter like this one using the example from above.

    Note that if you specify a relative path it is relative from the theme root.

    layout: cats

    Here is an example of a page using our cats layout.


  • Type: Object

  • Default:

    robots: {
      allowAll: true,
  • Example:

    robots: {
      host: '',
      sitemap: '',
      disallowAll: false,
      allowAll: false,
      policies: [
          userAgent: '*',
          disallow: [
          allow: [
  • Details:

If disallowAll is set to true, it will ignore all other options and exclude everything on the site from indexing. allowAll is set to true by default and this ignores the policies option.

To use the policies option, make sure both disallowAll and allowAll are set to false.

You can specify host and sitemap directly. If you omit them the theme will attempt to set them if it can and it makes sense.

  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default:

    sidebarEnder: false
  • Example:

    sidebarEnder: {
      text: 'v1.0.0',
      collapsed: true,
      items: [
        {text: 'Release Notes', link: ''},
        {text: 'Older Versions', link: ''},
  • Details

    This takes a single sidebar menu item and renders it at the bottom of the sidebar.


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default:

    sponsors: false
  • Example:

    sponsors: {
      text: 'your logo?',
      link: '',
      data: [
          name: 'Pantheon',
          id: 'pantheon',
          url: '',
          logo: '',
          type: 'full'
  • Details

    You can also configure this on a page to page basis with frontmatter.


  • Type: Object

  • Default: {}

  • Example:

    tags: {
      'obscure': {
        color: 'var(--vp-c-purple-1)',
        styles: {
          color: 'var(--vp-c-white)',
        icon: '',
      'secret tag': {
        color: '#C0FFEE',
        icon: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" class="w-4 h-4"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M15 8A7 7 0 1 1 1 8a7 7 0 0 1 14 0Zm-6 3.5a1 1 0 1 1-2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0ZM7.293 5.293a1 1 0 1 1 .99 1.667c-.459.134-1.033.566-1.033 1.29v.25a.75.75 0 1 0 1.5 0v-.115a2.5 2.5 0 1 0-2.518- 0 1 0 1.061 1.06Z" clip-rule="evenodd" /></svg>',
        link: '/secret',
        styles: {
          color: '#BA11AD',
      'tag 2': {
        icon: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="currentColor" class="w-4 h-4"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M11.5 8a3.5 3.5 0 0 0 3.362-4.476c-.094-.325-.497-.39-.736-.15L12.099 5.4a.48.48 0 0 1-.653.033 8.554 8.554 0 0 1-.879-.879.48.48 0 0 1 .033-.653l2.027-2.028c.24-.239.175-.642-.15-.736a3.502 3.502 0 0 0-4.476 3.427c.018.99-.133 2.093-.914 2.7l-5.31 4.13a2.015 2.015 0 1 0 2.828 2.827l4.13-5.309c.607-.78 1.71-.932 2.7-.914L11.5 8ZM3 13.75a.75.75 0 1 0 0- 0 0 0 0 1.5Z" clip-rule="evenodd" /></svg>',
  • Details:

    If you would like to customize the appearance of collection item tags you set in frontmatter you can do so. Note that you can free tag by default. You do not need to set this to use tags. It is only to customize the appearance of the tags.

    color will set the background-color of the tag.

    styles will take any css style and will be applied on top of whatever you set for color.

    icon is an svg string.

    link will override the default tagLink.

  • Type: String

  • Default: undefined

  • Example:

    tagLink: `/tags/:tag`
  • Details:

    This sets a default URL pattern for each tag. Here are some tokens you can use in your pattern.

    # for a tag called "My Special Tag"
    :tag -> My Special Tag
    :tag-id -> my-special-tag

    You can override the tagLink on a per-tag basis using the tags .link property. Note that if you use - in your tag names and also use :tag-id you may get some unexpected behavior.



  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Example:

    ga: {
      id: null,
  • Details:

    Set if you want to hookup Google Tag stuff. id needs to be a Measurement ID eg format G-XXXXXXXXXX.


  • Type: Object || Boolean

  • Default: false

  • Example:

    hubspot: {
      id: null,
  • Details:

    Set if you want to hookup Hubspot tracking codes. id needs to be the id in //${ID}.js.